Organization provides assistance in conducting energy audits with the ENSI EAB software program as well as carries out cost benefit analyses with the ENSI software/profitability calculations for assessing costs of energy efficiency measures contributing to reduction of energy consumption, waste costs and associated greenhouse emissions.
Being experts in energy efficiency technologies applied in the construction sector, the Center provides consultancy services for every stage of building project: starting from the EE design along with building technical systems and its operation. Our experts’ extensive skills encompass all aspects of the energy efficient (EE) design and implementation, including resolving troubleshooting issues. We carry out on-site evaluation of existing buildings, development of the EE technical designs and Energy Passports for new and existing buildings (in case of the EE rehabilitation), development of energy audits in order to provide customers with the most cost effective solutions based on results of comprehensive economic evaluation and functional specifications. The SDAP Center conducts trainings aiming at raising public awareness on energy efficiency and renewable energy applications for different professional target groups as follows: development companies, construction and banking sector representatives, construction industry, distributors of innovative technologies, municipal and central government officials, and local public as well.
SDAP Center’s team possess expertise on energy sector analysis, planning and policy development - our experts have qualification on evaluation of the local energy potential, energy production and consumption, policy and management mechanisms, energy sector planning and forecasting, software development.
Our goals include provision of support to organizations (beneficiaries) in order to reduce energy and waste costs and contribute to a cleaner environment.
We offer services targeting renewable energy sources (RES) ranging from research and assessment followed up with the cost benefit analysis related to the RES applications.